
Please read carefully the following instructions before you proceed to ordering!
On ordering the services below you will be directed to the secure on-line payment by credit card. If this way of payment is not convenient for you then please check How to pay section and choose some other method: by check or via Western Union transfer. In this case you should send your order and full instructions by e-mailing us.

Order addresses

Order correspondence services

Order translation services

Order flowers and gifts delivery

Order address

On ordering a lady's contact address please indicate her full name and code in the field Other notes or instructions. We will process your order within 24 hours of payment date.

Buy addresses - $5.95 per one

Tip: If you intend to buy several ladies' addresses, we would recommend you to order Golden Membership - this will save your money considerably!

Buy Golden Membership
Buy Golden Membership - $29.95*

*allows you to get as many ladies' e-mail and postal addresses and to contact as many ladies as you would like for the period of 1 year!

Order correspondence services

Buy correspondence services - $14.95 per 1 month*

(typing, printing, sending and receiving of letters)

Buy correspondence services - $29.95 per 3 months*

(typing, printing, sending and receiving of letters)

*The number of letters sent by either party is unlimited. Please note that this cost includes the fee for e-mail services for 1 lady only!

Order translation services

Buy translation service - $24.95 per 1 month*

(translation of unlimited number of both your and the lady's letters)

Buy translation service - $49.95 per 3 months*

(translation of unlimited number of both your and the lady's letters)

*Please note that this cost includes the fee for e-mail or translation services for 1 lady only!

Order flowers and gifts delivery

Important! Make sure that you indicate YOUR address (not the lady's) in the Shipping address field. The lady's (or any other person's you wish to send a gift to) address has to be indicated in the Other notes or instructions field. If you order the delivery for a lady found on our site then you can just put lady's name and code in the Other notes or instructions field (without her address)..

For your convenience the arrangement of the flowers, card with your message, translation of the message and delivery of all the gifts are included in the cost.

If the item you would like to deliver is not mentioned here, feel free to send us the e-mail with your request and we will try to help you.

Order flowers
Order flowers - $5.95 per 1
(roses, pot-flowers, etc.)
Order a bottle of wine
Order a bottle of wine - $49.95
(red, white, sparkling)

Order a box of chocolates
Order a box of chocolates - $15

Order a heart-shaped cake
Order a heart-shaped cake - $19.95

Order a food basket
Order a food basket - $79.95
(Champagne, red carviar, box of chocolates, olives, pickles, cheese, salami, ham, sturgeon, coffee, tea, mushrooms, juice)

Order a fruit basket
Order a fruit basket - $49.95
(Apples, pears, grapes, bananas, oranges, tangerines, kiwi, pine-apple)

Order a soft toy
Order a soft toy - $29.95
Order a smiling heart
Order a smiling heart - $16.95

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